Atividades profissionais dos antigos altos funcionários do CESE após a cessação de funções

Após a cessação das suas funções no Comité Económico e Social Europeu, os altos funcionários não podem, normalmente, exercer atividades de lobbying ou de representação junto dos seus antigos colegas durante um período de 12 meses. O CESE acompanha as atividades externas dos seus antigos altos funcionários e publica anualmente um relatório sobre esse acompanhamento.


(Artigo 16.º, terceiro e quarto parágrafos, do Estatuto dos Funcionários)



Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2023
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2022
Occupational activities of former seniors offcials of the EESC after leaving the service 2021
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2020
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service 2019
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2018
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2017
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2016
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2015
Occupational activities of former senior officials of the EESC after leaving the service - 2014