Żona Ekonomika Ewropea

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Iż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea (ŻEE) tlaqqa’ flimkien l-Istati Membri tal-UE u t-tliet l-Stati taż-ŻEE-EFTA (l-Iżlanda, il-Liechtenstein u n-Norveġja) f’Suq Intern regolat mill-istess regoli bażiċi. Dawn ir-regoli għandhom l-għan li jippermettu li prodotti, servizzi, kapital u persuni jiċċaqilqu liberament fiż-ŻEE f’ambjent miftuħ u kompetittiv. Il-Ftehim dwar iż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea daħal fis-seħħ fl-1 ta’ Jannar 1994.

Il-Kumitat Konsultattiv taż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea (Kumitat Konsultattiv taż-ŻEE) jifforma parti mill-Ftehim ŻEE (Artikolu 96) u nħoloq fl-1994.

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    EEA CC meets in Iceland

    Highlights from the agenda: European elections and fight against disinformation - Presentation of the report on the comparative analysis of CJUE (The Court of Justice of the European Union) and EFTA Court decisions on social security issues – Presentation of the EEA CC resolution and report on 30 years with the EEA Agreement 

  • 32nd meeting of the European Economic Area Consultative Committee

    The EEA CC met for the 32nd time in Brussels on 21 November 2023. Highlights of the agenda:

    • Labour market and mobility in the EEA
    • Presentation of the European Parliament's report on EU-Switzerland relations
    • Presentation of the EESC’s information report "The Arctic – how to ensure a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous future for a geostrategic region"
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    The European Economic Area Consultative Committee held its 31st annual meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14 and 15 March 2023. The EEA CC members discussed resolutions and reports on energy resilience in the EEA in view of the geopolitical landscape and on the future cooperation of the European Political Community (EPC).

  • 30th meeting of the European Economic Area (EEA) Consultative Committee

    The next meeting of the European Economic Area Consultative Committee's will held in Bergen (Norway) on 11 May 2022. Reports and resolutions are prepared on two subjects:

    • a) The social aspects of the Fit for 55 package
    • b) The challenges and opportunities of increased use of artificial intelligence in working life
  • The 28th meeting of the European Economic Area Consultative Committee took place in Brussels (Belgium) on 18 September 2020. The members of the Committee discussed the latest developments in EEA and EU/EFTA issues as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labour market, and they adopted resolutions on the following topics: "The European Green Deal" and "The EUs Industrial Strategy and the EEA"


  • 26th meeting of the European Economic Area Consultative Committee

    The members of the Committee discussed the latest developments in EEA as well as EU/EFTA issues. The Consultative Committee adopted two resolutions on:

    • the social aspects of the Mobility Package ("Europe on the move")
    • the work-life balance
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    The meeting took place on 5 and 6 June 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic. The members of the Committee discussed the latest developments in EEA as well as EU/EFTA issues. The Consultative Committee adopted two resolutions on the Digitalisation and its impact on jobs and skills and the Social dimension of the EEA and the European Pillar of Social Rights.

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    The 24th meeting of of the European Economic Area Consultative Committee took place in Vaduz (Liechtenstein) on 19-20 May 2016.


    The members of the Committee discussed the latest developments in EEA and well as EU/EFTA issues. The Consultative Committee adopted two resolutions on the following topics:

    • Labour Mobility in the EEA
    • Better regulation to support businesses and protect workers in the EEA
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