Europski gospodarski prostor

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Europski gospodarski prostor (EGP) okuplja države članice EU-a i tri države EFTA-e (Island, Lihtenštajn i Norvešku) na unutarnjem tržištu koje je uređeno istim osnovnim pravilima. Cilj je tih pravila omogućiti da se roba, usluge, kapital i osobe slobodno kreću EGP-om u otvorenom i konkurentnom okružju. Sporazum o Europskom gospodarskom prostoru stupio je na snagu 1. siječnja 1994.

Savjetodavni odbor za Europski gospodarski prostor (EEA CC) dio je Sporazuma o EGP-u (članak 96.), a osnovan je 1994. godine.

  • Usvojeno on 17/01/2024 - Bureau decision date: 24/10/2023
    Referentni dokument
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number
    Download — EESC opinion: Euro area economic policy 2024
  • In its opinion on the Euro area's economic policy for 2021, the European Economic and Social Committee welcomes the Commission's recommendations, but calls for a shift in fiscal rules towards a more prosperity-oriented form of economic governance, including a golden rule for public investment.

  • The European Economic Area Consultative Committee (EEA CC) held on 18 September 2020 its 28th annual meeting to discuss two resolutions linked to the implementation of the Green Deal initiative and the EU’s New Industrial Strategy. The members of the EEA CC, which represents employers, workers, and other civil society players of EEA member states, agreed on the need to extend the Green Deal to the entire EEA to achieve a more sustainable single market.

    • European Green Deal must lead to more economic prosperity and convergence
    • Sustainable growth must be a top priority
    • Measures to close the investment gap are essential
  • EGSO je na temelju europskog semestra 2019. i svog savjetovanja s civilnim društvom u državama članicama donio zaključke usmjerene na budućnost

  • At its plenary session in July, the European Economic and Social Committee presented proposals for the economic agenda of the upcoming legislative period (2019-2024) and recommended that they should form the basis of a new European economic strategy. The Committee's proposals seek to develop more resilient and sustainable EU economic policies within an improved governance framework for the Economic and Monetary Union.

  • Reference number

    The 25th anniversary of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, in force since 1994, was the main topic of the EEA Consultative Committee meeting that took place on 23 and 24 May. This committee, which represents employers, workers and other civil society players of EEA member states, insisted on the importance of completing the internal market and taking into account its social dimension.

  • The euro ranks second in the world as a reserve currency and as a currency used for fixed income securities issues and international trade transactions. However, its use internationally has yet to return to levels before the financial crisis, and its future role in the international monetary system is tied to the economic prospects of the euro area.

  • Javier Doz Orrit
    • Economic resilience and labour market resilience must go hand in hand
    • Commitment to deepening EMU through stabilisation and upward convergence is crucial
    • Urging Member States into contractionary fiscal stances may be problematic
  • -
    EEA CC meets in Iceland

    Highlights from the agenda: European elections and fight against disinformation - Presentation of the report on the comparative analysis of CJUE (The Court of Justice of the European Union) and EFTA Court decisions on social security issues – Presentation of the EEA CC resolution and report on 30 years with the EEA Agreement