El Espacio Económico Europeo

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El Espacio Económico Europeo (EEE) reúne a los Estados miembros de la UE y a tres de los cuatro Estados de la AELC (Islandia, Liechtenstein y Noruega) en un mercado interior regulado por las mismas normas básicas. La finalidad de estas normas es posibilitar la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capitales y personas en todo el EEE en un entorno abierto y competitivo. El Acuerdo sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo entró en vigor el 1 de enero de 1994.

Constituido ese mismo año, el Comité Consultivo del Espacio Económico Europeo (CC-EEE) forma parte del Acuerdo sobre el EEE (artículo 96).

  • En curso (updated on 19/12/2024) - Bureau decision date: 05/12/2024
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number

    This own-initiative opinion will examine the impact of single market fragmentation on the cost of living and competitiveness and look into successful EU initiatives to tackle such issues. It will aim at proposing possible solutions, with particular attention to consumer protection, to the cost-of-living crisis.

  • Aprobados on 17/01/2024 - Bureau decision date: 24/10/2023
    Employers - GR I
    Plenary session number
    Download — Dictamen del CESE: Euro area economic policy 2024
  • In its opinion on the Euro area's economic policy for 2021, the European Economic and Social Committee welcomes the Commission's recommendations, but calls for a shift in fiscal rules towards a more prosperity-oriented form of economic governance, including a golden rule for public investment.

  • The European Economic Area Consultative Committee (EEA CC) held on 18 September 2020 its 28th annual meeting to discuss two resolutions linked to the implementation of the Green Deal initiative and the EU’s New Industrial Strategy. The members of the EEA CC, which represents employers, workers, and other civil society players of EEA member states, agreed on the need to extend the Green Deal to the entire EEA to achieve a more sustainable single market.

    • European Green Deal must lead to more economic prosperity and convergence
    • Sustainable growth must be a top priority
    • Measures to close the investment gap are essential
  • The EESC draws forward-looking conclusions from the 2019 Semester and the Committee's civil society consultations in the Member States

  • El Comité Económico y Social Europeo presenta en su pleno de julio diversas propuestas para la agenda económica del próximo período legislativo (2019-2024) y recomienda que estas sienten la base de una nueva estrategia económica europea. Las propuestas del Comité pretenden desarrollar unas políticas económicas más resistentes y sostenibles en la UE, en un marco de gobernanza mejorado para la unión económica y monetaria.

  • Reference number

    The 25th anniversary of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, in force since 1994, was the main topic of the EEA Consultative Committee meeting that took place on 23 and 24 May. This committee, which represents employers, workers and other civil society players of EEA member states, insisted on the importance of completing the internal market and taking into account its social dimension.

  • The euro ranks second in the world as a reserve currency and as a currency used for fixed income securities issues and international trade transactions. However, its use internationally has yet to return to levels before the financial crisis, and its future role in the international monetary system is tied to the economic prospects of the euro area.

  • Javier Doz Orrit
    • La resiliencia económica y la resiliencia del mercado laboral deben ir de la mano
    • El compromiso de profundizar la UEM a través de la estabilización y la convergencia al alza es crucial
    • Instar a los Estados miembros a adoptar orientaciones presupuestarias restrictivas puede ser problemático