
  • Meeting of the Category "Workers' Voice for more democratic participation"

    The upcoming meeting of the category "Workers' Voice for more democratic participation" will focus on the role European Works Councils can play in ensuring corporate due diligence, with a focus on human rights. 

  • Conference on Professional Support for the EU Blue Deal

    Join us on 7 May 2024, when the Liberal Professions Category of the EESC proudly presents the 8th edition of the Day of Liberal Professions. The conference is open to the public. Registration is now closed. We invite you to follow live via webstreaming.

  • Public hearing in the framework of own-initiative opinion ECO/641 - Taxation Framework for Social Economy Entities

    The social economy is a vital part of the European social and economic system. It generates and maintains high-quality jobs, fosters the inclusion of marginalised groups into the labour market, promotes sustainable business practices, and provides employment for millions of people. In this way, it makes the single market more inclusive, our societies more cohesive and fosters employment models that are tailored to local and communal needs.

  • On Saturday 4 May, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) opens its doors to you, the public.

  • The EESC in the context of the European elections campaign #UseYourVote  is organizing a book-talk event on EU elections 2024: where is Europe heading to? with the participation of Paolo Gentiloni Commissioner for Economy and Luca Jahier, former EESC president and author of the book "Fare l'Europa, fare la pace". The debate will be moderated by Marco Zatterin, Deputy chief editor of "La Stampa".

  • Impact on climate change and the global environment; consequences for companies, workers and population

    Public hearing linked to the REX own-initiaive opinion REX/586

    Deforestation of the Amazonian Forest – impacts on the climate change and global environment; consequences for companies, workers and population

  • This public hearing aims to exchange views with civil society representatives from candidate countries and EU's stakeholders on the opportunities and challenges for the EU-agri-food sector with EU enlargement and to identify the contributions of the accession countries to the EU's social, environmental, and economic sustainability.

  • During the meeting, DG Trade updated the EU DAG on the EU-Vietnam FTA in general and on the implementation of the TSD-chapter in particular. The EU DAG discussed main challenges for companies related to due diligence legislation and how to take the work of the DAG on this topic further, the space for civil society in Vietnam based on the presentation of a recent report on Directive 24, and the issue of cat and dog meat trade and consumption in Vietnam from a health perspective. The members also exchanged views on the DAG's priorities for this mandate.

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    587th Plenary session, with the following guests: 

    Ana Gallego Torres, Director General, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST), Ken Godfrey, Executive Director of the European Partnership for Democracy, Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs; Maive Rute, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW); Lanfranco Fanti, Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli; Florence Raes, Director of UN Women Brussels, Mary Collins, Secretary General of the European Women's Lobby, Ilaria Todde, Advocacy Director of the Eurocentralasian Lesbian Community and Sif Holst, President of the EESC Equality Group.

  • The 4th annual All DAGs meeting took place on Monday 18 April 2024 09:00-13:00 at the EESC premises in JDE62.
    This was the first All DAGs meeting of this DAG mandate which welcomed the newer DAG Members, as well as more experienced ones. It was a unique opportunity to gather all EU DAG Members and EU institutions as one TSD community, to openly exchange ideas, challenges, and aspirations. The meeting featured, among others, CTEO Denis Redonnet and DDG Maria Martin-Prat, DG Trade.