
  • An EU Blue Deal for a Water-Resilient Europe

    This event, organized by the Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) in cooperation with the Consultative Committee on Industrial Change (CCMI), follows up on the EESC's call for an EU Blue Deal. We'll examine the role of water in the climate and biodiversity emergencies we face, seeking cohesive, sustainable solutions for water resilience. 

  • The way forward

    The EESC is organising this public hearing to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the legislative framework on securitisation, as well as risks related to securitisation and possible policy solutions.

  • Hybrid workshop organized by the Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the EU (INSULEUR) in partnership with the EESC #EESCPartnership

    The hybrid workshop "European Islands Economies Need More Attention at the New Cohesion Policy After 2027," organized by INSULEUR in partnership with the EESC, and with cooperation from the CPMR Islands Commission and ESIN, will take place on June 28, 2024, at the EESC in Brussels. This event will address the unique economic challenges of European islands, emphasizing the need for focused attention on these economies in the EU's post-2027 Cohesion Policy. 

    The workshop will highlight the importance of ensuring that island territories receive adequate support, considering their severe natural and demographic handicaps. Discussions will focus on the necessity of flexible state aid and tailored measures to address their specific needs, especially in light of the economic setbacks from the Covid-19 pandemic. Emphasis will be placed on the critical role of SMEs in these regions and the need for community funding to support their sustainable transition, innovation, and resilience.

  • 80% of Roma remain at risk of poverty, far more than the rate of 16.8% for the general population. Whilst surveys show a decrease in the rate of Roma living in severe material deprivation, this still contrasts sharply to the rate amongst non-Roma.  Reducing this poverty gap is one of the main objectives of the new EU Roma strategic framework, which foresees to cut this by half by 2030. The hearing will look at recent surveys on poverty amongst the Roma. It will discuss in more detail how EU policies on combatting poverty can be taken forward and contribute to improving the situation of the Roma community. It will also discuss measures and good practices on how the poverty gap can be narrowed.

  • Proposals for the next parliamentary term

    The Capital Markets Union (CMU) is an initiative that was launched in 2014 with the aim of creating a single market for capital in the EU. Today, despite concerted efforts towards more integrated capital markets, such as the 2015 and 2020 Action Plans, the CMU remains incomplete.  Yet, recent developments offer hope for renewed momentum. The statement of the Eurogroup in inclusive format on the future of the CMU, and the report "Much more than a market", by Enrico Letta, outline fresh proposals on how to further integrate financial markets in the EU and stimulate investment. Against this backdrop, this public debate will convene institutional actors and civil society stakeholders to take stock of current developments  and discuss policy solutions for the upcoming parliamentary term. 

  • The European Economic and Social Committee is holding the fourth edition of its conference on energy poverty on 26 June in Brussels.

  • A few days after the European Parliament elections, in a new political and institutional environment, the EESC is organising in cooperation with the Central Council of the Economy (CCE) and the National Labour Council (CNT) of Belgium a joint Seminar on: 'Transitions towards a digital, green, just and competitive Europe: the role of social and civil dialogue.' This seminar will be held on 20 June 2024 and be open to the public.

  • Hearing of the Fundamental rights and Rule of law Group

    This hearing will examine the current state of prisons and detention centers in Europe, focusing on the experiences of inmates, detainees, and the working staff. The event will review existing regulations for these facilities and assess their practical implementation, to determine whether they uphold human rights standards adequately. Thanks to the participation of relevant stakeholders, the hearing seeks to identify gaps and challenges in the system, by comparing the laws with on-the-ground realities.

  • The 2024 annual meeting of presidents and secretaries-general of the ESCs of the EU & the EESC will be held on 19 June 2024. The meeting will tackle following topic "From words to action: the role of organised civil society in implementing and assessing public policies - the twin transition". 


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    2024 Euromed Summit

    The annual Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions provides civil society organisations (CSOs) from the UfM Member States with a platform to debate common challenges and opportunities and to exchange best practices.