
  • On Monday, 18 March 2024, the NAT Section organized a public expert event entitled "How to best achieve Europe's 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050" to feed into the opinion on the Communication on Securing our future - Europe's 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society.

  • The forth meeting of the EU-Armenia Civil Society Platform (CSP) was held on 14 March 2024 in Yerevan.

    During the meeting, a debate focused on assessing the state of play of the implementation of the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement. The CSP also discussed the state of democratic institutions and rule of law in Armenia, as well as the implementation of the Chapter 10 on Agriculture and rural development.

    A joint declaration, prepared by both sides, was discussed and adopted.

  • identifying obstacles, solutions and good practices

    Encouraging the Roma community's participation in political life at local, national and European level is one of the objectives of the EU Roma strategic framework 2020-2030. At an estimated 10-12 million, the Roma community constitutes the largest minority in Europe. Yet, in many countries the Roma are not part of the decision-making process, finding themselves in some cases deliberately excluded, intimidated or prevented from representing their rights and needs. Lack of information on the electoral processes itself, together with the vulnerability and difficulties presented by their segregated and poor living conditions, can also impact their possibilities for proper participation in the political scenario. The hearing will explore further the reasons behind the Roma's lack of participation in the political sphere, look into best practices and discuss possible actions that can help increase their participation.

  • The EESC's Permanent Group on disability Rights is organising a hybrid public hearing on " Potential and challenges of Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelligence on the life of PWD " on 14 March 2024 from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

    When implemented effectively, assistive technology (AT) can improve accessibility and quality of life. Artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance the effectiveness of AT in a number of fields, but it is important that it is developed safely with accessibility and inclusion in mind.

    During the hearing, we will discuss with stakeholders the potential but also challenges associated with the use of AT and AI on the life of PWDs.

  • EESC – EC Seminar

    The seminar will provide an opportunity for an exchange between legal practitioners, national authorities (including Charter focal points), civil society organisations, human rights defenders, politicians and other stakeholders on how the effectiveness of legal protection and access to justice – whether through judicial or non-judicial remedies - can be effectively ensured and further improved across the EU.

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    Buitengewone vergadering van de werknemersgroep

    De Werknemersgroep organiseert een buitengewone vergadering in Brussel ter gelegenheid van het Belgische Raadsvoorzitterschap. Op de agenda staat een discussie over de prioriteiten en het programma van het voorzitterschap.

  • This public debate of the Sustainable Development Observatory (SDO) focused on the pivotal role of sustainable and just economies in driving the implementation of SDGs. The topic is the first of six key areas for transformation identified in the SDO work programme 2023-2025. This transformation focuses on building strong economic systems that are profitable as well as environmentally sustainable and socially equitable, while ensuring sound financial practices and responsible fiscal policies.

  • Ad hoc group equality meeting

    In order to celebrate the International women's day on the 8th of March 2024 the Ad Hoc Group on Equality is organising the conference "A Gender Lens on Poverty".

  • JARDIN kick-off meeting

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) with the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission, is organising a major conference on Rare Diseases in the EU: Joint Action shaping the future of ERNs, which will take place on 8 March 2024 in the headquarters of the EESC in Brussels, Belgium.

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    With the European elections in June 2024 holding the key to Europe's future, the EESC as the institutional partner of civil society is launching the first edition of its Civil Society Week. This flagship event will gather people of all ages and backgrounds, including youth, journalists and EU institutions, for a vibrant debate on topics that matter to our everyday life and Europe's future.