Press Summaries

    • Key to the Drone Strategy 2.0 are two related drivers: building the EU's drone services market and strengthening European civil, security and defence industry capabilities and synergies. To encourage private investment and the development of new innovative services for various sectors, legal and technical certainty should be ensured.
    • The development of the drone market requires regional and local planning that takes into account mobility as a service with a multi-domain approach. As integrated land, air and maritime dimensions could become an important factor in territorial development, proper links and coordination will be necessary with national and local authorities.
  • The EESC calls on the Commission to:


    • ensure the TLF meets the various expectations of consumers concerning textile labels, which should first and foremost offer basic and easily understandable information. 
    • strive for an EU-wide and global alignment of labelling requirements on indications of origin, care instructions, size and fibre composition;
    • prevent further offshoring by establishing labelling requirements that are flexible enough to address SMEs' capacities.


  • The Committee suggests:


    • reviewing the obligation to create and provide information on a product passport for every batch of a detergent or surfactant;
    • extending digital labelling to both pre-packaged products and refill sales;
    • making the new requirements on micro-organisms support innovation in this emerging product category;


  • The EESC suggests urgently adopting the following measures to improve water-efficient consumption and consumer awareness of their water footprint:


    • encouraging the use of water-efficient appliances and devices through incentives to both manufacturers and consumers and water consumption labels;
    • applying water tariffs that reflect the real cost of water services and can help raise consumer awareness;
    • promoting circular water consumption.


  • The EESC believes there is a need to intervene to ensure that specific illegal activities carried out by influencers are treated evenly across the EU, requiring advertising messages to:


    • be clearly identifiable as such; and
    • comply with sector-specific rules in order to protect the health and safety of consumers and users, especially minors and other vulnerable groups.


  • The Committee advises the following:


    • The Commission should carry out an audit to identify how the EU can control and improve its value chains and avoid excessive dependencies.
    • It should also work a competitiveness check into EU decision-making. 
    • The GDIP and the NZIA should not focus narrowly on promoting green technologies and picking "winners", but rather encourage the development of a diverse industrial sector.


  • The EESC: 

    • highlights that the completion of the banking union is necessary to reduce market fragmentation and strengthen the regulatory framework for banking crises and deposit insurance;
    • insists that swift, flexible, and pragmatic responses to banking crises are crucial to manage banking crises. A tailored response is necessary in terms of regulatory measures, tools, stakeholder cooperation, execution speed, and financial resources used;
    • encourages the co-legislators to ensure a proportional application of the Public Interest Assessment to small, medium-sized and local banks, and to minimize legal uncertainty;


  • The EESC:

    • observes that the green transition's impact will vary across the EU, and Member States must address social challenges to maintain stability and legitimacy while avoiding populist opposition;
    • stresses that targeted analysis is crucial for identifying households affected by the green transition, enabling governments to take appropriate measures to support poorer and vulnerable households;
    • identifies two main risks of the green transition: growing income disparities and the displacement of industrial sectors and jobs. To mitigate these risks, national fiscal measures should be implemented;


  • The EESC:

    • welcomes the Commission's proposal for a regulation and underlines the importance of fast, effective and simplified procedures, together with appropriate terms, conditions and prices, which can be applied everywhere in a consistent manner, throughout the EU;
    • appreciates the decision to use a regulation as the legal instrument, rather than a directive, as this ensures uniformity and limits fragmentation of national laws;
  • The EESC proposes to: 

    • considers access to safe, clean and quality water a fundamental right;
    • develop an EU Blue Deal and an EU Water Agenda;
    • rationalise water consumption through the implementation of a price differentiation between consumption for domestic use and essential public services, and consumption for productive use. Water prices should be set according to the "polluter pays principle";
    • establish a Blue Transition Fund;
