Forum européen sur la migration – 9e réunion

Le Forum européen sur la migration - la plateforme de dialogue entre la société civile et les institutions européennes sur la migration, l’asile et l’intégration – se réunira pour la neuvième fois les 28 et 29 novembre 2024.

La participation à la réunion du Forum ne se fait que sur invitation – l'appel à manifestation d’intérêt sera lancé prochainement.

(en anglais)

Background & Main Objectives

The European Migration Forum (EMF), organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), is a platform for dialogue[1] between civil society and the EU policy-makers on issues related to migration, asylum and integrationThe aim of the forum is to enhance coordination and cooperation between key players involved in the multilevel European governance of migration. It should help European policy-maker better understand the main challenges that civil society organisations and social partners face in the field, and to identify ways to better support their efforts to address the needs of refugees and migrants.

The 9th annual EMF will take place on 28-29 November 2024 in Brussels.

This year's EMF, "Enhancing the role of civil society in implementing the Pact on Migration and Asylum", aims to bring civil society organisations together to discuss and engage with Member State and EU policy-makers on the challenges and opportunities relating to the implementation of the Pact on Migration and Asylum.

The EMF will particularly address four areas of the Pact:

  • ensuring adequate reception conditions;
  • the changes introduced by the Qualification Regulation;
  • the new permanent solidarity mechanism;
  • the Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027.

The theme of safeguarding the fundamental rights of migrants and refugees will form an integral part of the discussions in these areas.

This call aims to select civil society organisations working in at least one of the four areas mentioned above.

[1] The European Migration Forum employs a participatory approach, which entails the close involvement of civil society organisations in the preparation and organisation of meetings. Conclusions and summary reports from earlier meetings can be found under:

Format of the event

The forum will seek to ensure an interactive and participatory approach. The core of the event will consist of breakout sessions and working groups relating to the four areas, and a practical workshop on financial support.

Eligibility of participation and how to apply

To be eligible, participants must represent a civil society organisation, which:

  • is legally based in an EU Member State[2];
  • has experience at EU, national or local level in one of the areas of the Pact addressed at the Forum;
  • can commit to actively participate in the Forum and help publicise and promote its outcomes.

Please apply here in English by 12 September. Late applications will not be considered.

[2] The travel costs of a participant to the forum will not be covered if they are based and/or are travelling from an overseas territory of an EU Member State.

Selection of participants

Selection will be done according to:

  • the relevancy of the applicant CSO's work to at least one of the areas of the Forum;
  • the geographical balance of the Member States where the CSOs are based;
  • a proportionate and fair representation of the diversity of the CSOs who have applied.

The working language of the Forum is English. Interpretation for a limited number of languages will be provided at the plenary session only. Therefore, participants must have a strong command of English.

The European Commission and the EESC are in charge of the selection procedure. The final list of participants will be approved by the EMF bureau.

Next steps

Selected participants will receive an invitation to register for the event, including the programme and a link to the registration form.

Only one representative from the selected organisation is allowed to participate at the Forum.