European Economic
and Social Committee
Access to EESC Documents
Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union sets out the right of citizens and EU residents to access documents of the Union's institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.
The EESC Decision 2003/603 contains the specific provisions regarding access to its documents, in accordance with Regulation 1049/2001.
How can citizens access EESC documents?
- In order to facilitate access to documents to EU citizens the EESC has developed the electronic document register DM Search.
- DM Search provides direct access to EESC documents via a search form.
- The documents are directly accessible in electronic format.
- Access to them is free of charge and the request does not require any justification.
What happens if a document cannot be found or consulted on DM Search?
- Documents which cannot be found or consulted directly on DM Search may be obtained on request. Requests can be sent to the EESC via the form below.
In this case, how much time will it take to get an answer?
- The EESC applies a two-stage administrative procedure (initial request and confirmatory application).
- After registering the request, the EESC will assess it and reply within a time limit of 15 working days. In some exceptional cases, this time limit may be extended by another 15 working days.
- If your initial request is totally or partially refused, or if you do not receive a reply within the period laid down, you can make a confirmatory application within 15 working days using the same form. Please state that it is a confirmatory application and indicate the registration number assigned to the initial request. The confirmatory application shall be handled by the EESC within 15 working days from registration.
- In the event of a failure by the EESC to reply to a confirmatory application within the prescribed time limit or in case of partial or total refusal by the EESC to a confirmatory application, you have the additional possibility of court proceedings or complaints to the Ombudsman.
How will my data in the form be processed?
- Regulation (EU) No 2018/1725 applies to the processing of your personal data collected in the form requesting access to documents.
- In the privacy statement (See downloads below in all EU languages) you find all the information and details on the handling of your data by the EESC.
Decision on the direct public access of EESC meeting minutes and attendance lists
Privacy statement: Form requesting access to documents