
  • The Presidency of the EESC's Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law Group (FRRL) is deeply concerned about the imminent risk of extradition from Serbia to Belarus of journalist Andrey Gnyot (Андрей Гнёт).

  • President Oliver Röpke and EESC members participated in the 2024 Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions, a pivotal event held in Malta on June 18-19. The summit gathered around 120 participants, including representatives of a wide range of CSOs from the Euro-Mediterranean region, EU and MENA government representatives, guest speakers, and representatives from embassies.

  • On 11-12 June 2024, the Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law (FRRL) Group of the European
    Economic and Social Committee (EESC) concluded a two-day visit to Bucharest.
    This visit gave the opportunity to the group of six EESC Members to hear civil society representatives
    about key trends in Romania concerning fundamental rights of social partners, freedoms of association
    and assembly, freedom of expression (including media freedom), the right to non-discrimination, and
    the rule of law.

  • In a bid to lead in climate action, the European Commission has recommended a target to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) supported this move during its May plenary by adopting an opinion on EU climate target for 2040 The opinion outlines steps to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, aligning with scientific consensus to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  • The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has given a cautious green light to Europe’s revamped defence strategy in three opinions, all emphasising the need for a long-term, strategic approach. However, concerns linger about its financial viability and public buy-in.

  • With the number of cancers and cancer-related deaths across the EU rising at an alarming rate, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) calls for due attention to be paid to the need for cancer prevention measures, as about 40% of cancer cases are deemed preventable.

  • UE trebuie să își reducă dependențele strategice în sectoare sensibile, cum ar fi sănătatea și tehnologiile critice, pentru a permite unui număr tot mai mare de pacienți din întreaga Europă să utilizeze medicina nucleară pentru diagnosticarea și tratarea cancerului.

  • La doar o lună înainte de alegerile europene, Comitetul Economic și Social European (CESE) avertizează autoritățile europene cu privire la nevoia urgentă de a combate dezinformarea pentru a proteja democrația. Jurnalismul de calitate și independent într-un sistem pluralist prosper rămâne prima baricadă împotriva campaniilor răuvoitoare și a știrilor false.

  • On 9 May, President Röpke celebrated Europe Day in Madrid at an event on "The future of the EU social agenda". Organised by the Spanish Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, the event gathered many prominent speakers. In his intervention, President Röpke underlined that social dialogue is a cornerstone of our European social model and democratic values. 

  • CESE a adoptat un aviz privind noul Mecanism de reformă și creștere pentru Balcanii de Vest, la solicitarea Comisiei. Planul va sprijini Balcanii de Vest să accelereze cooperarea economică regională. Este pentru prima dată când UE s-a concentrat pe dezvoltarea economică și convergența socioeconomică în regiune.