Coaching to improve the communication strategy and tools to promote environmental and sustainable food topics


Within the framework of their EMAS environmental management system, the EESC and the CoR wish to improve their communication strategy and tools to promote environmental and sustainable food topics. Coaching sessions will be organised for the EMAS (Environmental Management) service and the Catering service.

Description of services

This coaching will aim to provide strategic guidance on communications relating to the environment and sustainable food. It will help to identify objectives, messages, content, and measures, etc. The coach will provide inspiring examples of similar measures / tools already in place in other organisations. The coach will provide feedback on draft written communications in order to improve their impact and relevance.

Contract type

Framework contract for a period of 12 months (renewable 3 times).


The coaching sessions will be given mainly in French and occasionally in English. Written communication tools are to be developed in English and / or French.


Send your expression of interest to participate or request for information to the following mail box (before the deadline mentioned below)


Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 23:59