European Economic
and Social Committee
Calls for tenders published in the Official Journal
The EESC calls for tender published in the Official Journal are available on this page, as are related contract documents (link with the official online journal, TED, for the launch of each procedure and its award).
Procedures for which participation deadlines have expired are visible for information.
Ongoing procedures (EN/FR)
- Maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of security and supply installations, placement and programming of new security equipment in office buildings
Deadline: 22/04/2025 12:00 (Brussels)
Procedures where the participation deadline has expired (EN/FR)
- Locksmith services - Structural and finishing inspections, roadworthiness tests and analyses by approved laboratory
Deadline: 20/02/2025 18:00 (Brussels) - Preventive and corrective maintenance with comprehensive warranty, as well as specific services and supply of equipment for lifting equipment located in the buildings of the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee
Deadline: 19/11/2024 – 17:00 (Brussels) - Technical assistance for the inspection of cleaning services in the buildings of the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels
Deadline: 14/10/2024 15:30 (Brussels) - Locksmith services - Maintenance services for locksmithing, hardware, metal carpentry and other services relating to small improvements in Committee buildings in Brussels
Deadline: 02/07/2024 - 18h00 (Brussels) - Basic training and annual retraining of members of the firefighting service
Deadline: 05/03/2024 - Police d’assurance pour assistance et vie/invalidité au profit des membres, délégués de la Commission consultative, suppléants et conseillers du Comité économique et social européen | EESC (
Deadline: 01/03/2024 - Service concession and provision of ancillary services for sustainable collective catering in the buildings of the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels | EESC (
Deadline:05/02/2024 - EESC brandbook: future tender announcement
Deadline: 30/11/2023 - Installation, transformation, improvement and modernisation work on the technical installations of office buildings - CDR-DL-2023-03 | European Economic and Social Committee (
Time limit for receipt of requests to participate: 04/12/2023 – 3.00 p.m (Brussels time) - Rental and omnium maintenance of black and white and colour printers, including a workflow management system
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 14/12/2023 – 17h00 (Bruxelles) - Replacement of the Centralised Technical Management (CTM) system for the Jacques Delors building (JDE), located at Rue Belliard 99-101, 1040 Bruxelles, BELGIUM
Time limit for receipt of requests to participate: 10/05/2023 - Periodic inspections of lifting equipment, façade and roof access equipment and collective and individual protection equipment
Deadline for requests to participate: 10/06/2022 - 15:00 (Brussels time) - Installation, transformation, enhancement and modernisation works on technical installations of office buildings
Deadline for requests to participate: 04/05/2022 - 15:00 (Brussels time) - Minor renovation works for the building at Rue Van Maerlant 2, 1000 Bruxelles (VMA), BELGIUM
Deadline for requests to participate: 10/09/2021 - Omnium maintenance for equipment giving access to facades and roofs
Deadline for requests to participate: 24/08/2021 - Architectural and special techniques design office for assignments relating to property projects, redevelopment of spaces, special techniques and integrated assistance covering the various building construction fields
New time limit for receipt of tenders: 27/08/2021 - Technical assistance for the control of technical installation maintenance services
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 14/12/2020 - Finishing works, structural works and installation of equipment in office buildings
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 3/11/2020 - Maintenance, breakdown and repair services for security installations, and the supply, installation and programming of new security equipment in office buildings
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 23/10/2020 - Analyses by an approved laboratory
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 21/09/2020 - Locksmith maintenance services and related services
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 03/06/2020 - Provision of Services in the Field of Digital Communication
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 29/05/2020 - Guard, surveillance, dispatching, reception and related services
Deadline for requests to participate: 04/05/2020 - Insurance policy for assistance and life/disability for members, CCMI delegates, alternates and EESC experts
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 16/03/2020 - Technical assistance for the control of cleaning services
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 11/03/2020 - Audit and advice in the field of sustainable catering
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 18/02/2020 - Installation and operation of an automatic euro banknote dispenser in the Jacques Delors building
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 30/01/2020 - Annual training and refresher courses for members of the firefighting department
Time limit for receipt of request for participation: 16/01/2020 - Service concession and provision of related services for sustainable collective catering in the buildings of the European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels
Time limit for receipt of request for participation: 29/07/2019 - Omnium and ecological maintenance of outdoor green spaces, green roofs, indoor plants and bamboo screens
Time limit for receipt of the tenders: 17/06/2019 - Hire and all-purpose maintenance of black and white and colour production printers including a workflow management system - CESE/DL/01/201
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 20/08/2018 - Rental of a wireless interactive electronic voting system and technical assistance for the European Economic and Social Committee - CESE/2017/CSI/01
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 01/03/2018 - Digitisation of historical archives and their transfer onto microfiches – Call for tenders n° EESC/DA-GREF/01/2017
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 28/02/2017 - Express mail service, national and international call for tenders n° CESE/DL/2/2016
Time limit for receipt of the request to participate is 16/09/2016 - Provision of photography services - No EESC/COMM/02/2016
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 26/09/2016 - Open call for tenders EESC/COMM/02/2015 - Provision of computer-based communication-related services (Lot 1: Web services, Lot 2: Assistance to contact database content management)
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 16/02/2016, 3 p.m. (Brussels time) - Insurance policy
Deadline for accepting call for tenders: 15/02/2016 at 4 p.m. (Brussels time) - Promotional items
Time limit for receipt of tenders: 01/12/2015, 3 p.m. (Brussels time)