EESC President

Allies in defence of democracy: Presidents Röpke and Lula da Silva meet for the first time in Brazil

As one of the first EU leaders to visit Brazil in 2024, President Oliver Röpke concluded a successful mission to the country. The EESC visit reaffirmed Brazil's strategic partnership with the EU, strengthening political ties with President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and re-establishing relations with the civil society.  

The EESC delegation, led by President Röpke, visited Brazil on 9-10 April with an aim of bolstering relations with Brazilian civil society. The delegation included the following members: Dimitris Dimitriadis, Carlos Silva, Josep Puxeu, Panagiotis Gkofas, John Comer, Manuel García Salgado, and Milena Angelova.

A call for more inclusive and participatory democracy

On 10 April, President Röpke held a bilateral meeting with Brazilian President Lula da Silva where he praised President Lula da Silva's leadership in re-establishing Brazil's Big Council, acknowledging his efforts to improve people's lives, combat climate change and empower Brazilian civil society.

During the visit, the EESC delegation conducted several productive meetings with Brazilian and international partners. They met with the Brazilian counterparts, Sustainable Economic and Social Development Council (CDESS), and its Executive Secretary Paulo Henrique Rodrigues Pereira, as well as Ministers Alexandre Padilha, Marina Silva, Luiz Marinho and Cármen Lúcia, among others. Internationally, the delegation also met with the EU Ambassador to Brazil, EU Member States trade counsellors, and representatives from the United Nations, International Labour Organization, and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Additionally, delegations from CDESS and EESC held panel debates on democracy (with focus on disinformation and social media), sustainability (including the energy transition agenda), and on employment and decent work in the era of the new technologies.

EU-Brazil civil society: key milestones

A significant milestone of the visit was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the EESC and the Brazilian Sustainable Economic and Social Development Council (CDESS), just one year after its reinstatement by President Lula da Silva. The memorandum will strengthen cooperation between EU and Brazilian civil societies on environmental, economic and social issues [full press release].

As a direct result of the memorandum, President Röpke and Minister Alexandre Padilha, representing the CDESS, agreed to work towards the establishment of a new EU-Brazil Civil Society Round Table. This Round Table, the highest forum of cooperation for civil societies, will facilitate discussions on common priorities and mutual interests on environmental, economic and social issues [full joint statement].

Work organisation


Oliver Röpke European Economic and Social Committee rue Belliard/Belliardstraat
99-101 1040 Brussels Belgium

Tel (secretariat): +32 (0)2 546 99 32
Email (secretariat)

Media Contact

For press and media inquiries, please contact the President's Spokesperson
For photos of the President, please consult the EESC Media Library