Violence against women as a human rights issue: state of play of measures across the EU

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Administrator in charge: Gabriela Grasu / Assistant: Ania Darmetko Doudkine


This Own-Initiative Opinion is proposed by the Group on Fundamental Rights and the Rule of Law (FRRL).

Violence against women is the ultimate expression of discrimination against women. It represents a control mechanism that stems from inequality between women and men while at the same time reinforcing and perpetuating this inequality. Not only does this undermine equal coexistence between men and women, it also constitutes an attack on the values and principles enshrined in Article 2 of the TEU. In the 2023 State of the Union address, Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen stressed that "there can be no true equality without freedom from violence".

Despite a good number of EU initiatives on which the EESC gave its contributions concerning gender equality in general (notably the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025) and the Directive on combating violence against women, the final adopted text by the European Parliament and the Council falls short of full potential.

Therefore, this opinion will seek to examine shortcomings identified in the approved Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence of the European Parliament and of the Council. This analysis aims to look into those forms and means by which violence against women and girls is expressed that are not covered by the aforementioned directive in order to provide a perspective that truly contemplates a common comprehensive policy against gender-based violence, offering a comprehensive and effective strategy against this violation of human rights within the framework of the Union.

The Opinion will also take into account other key aspects of the topic, like the situation of particular groups of women such as those of particular ethnic background, women with disabilities, and/or older women.