Activitățile CESE în timpul Președinției române

Activitățile CESE în timpul Președinției române

January – June 2019

In the first half of 2019 Romania assumes, for the first time, the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. During this semester, key matters are at the forefront of the EU agenda: the debate on the Future of Europe, the negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and on the cohesion policy, the Brexit and the European elections in May 2019. Romania will need to steer discussions, demonstrate vision and have the responsibility of making decisions that impact the entire European Union. 

The motto of its presidency is "Cohesion, a common European value", and its priorities include four pillars: 1) A converging Europe: growth, cohesion, competitiveness, connectivity, 2) A safer Europe, 3) Europe, a global actor and 4) A Europe of Common Values.

As regards the Presidency trio, Romania will be followed by Finland in the second part of 2019 and Croatia in 2020.


The EESC's activities during the Romanian Presidency. January - June 2019