EESC Information Newsletter - December 2023

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

It is my pleasure to invite you to the 583th Plenary Session of the European Economic and Social Committee.

On Wednesday 13 December at 3 p.m., we are holding a debate on Global climate commitments: reflecting on the outcomes of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP28, with participation of Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President of The Club of Rome and Diandra Ni Bhuachalla, European Economic and Social Committee Youth Delegate COP28.

Later that day, at 4.30 p.m., we will discuss the Conclusions of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, with the participation of Nadia Calviño, First Deputy Prime Minister of Spain and Minister for Economy and Digitalization.

Finally, at 5.30 p.m., we will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the EESC with the participation of former EESC presidents and other distinguished guests related to EESC construction. This event will be followed by a cocktail reception on the Committee's premises.

I will be glad to welcome you at our plenary session. To that end, I would like to invite you to the Charlemagne building (GASP) of the European Commission in Brussels, or to use webstreaming, which will allow you to follow all the votes and discussions remotely.

Best regards,

Oliver Röpke
EESC President

The EESC plenary session on social media: to take part in the online discussions, follow @EU_EESC or the hashtag #EESCplenary. You can also post on our Facebook page via where the plenary session is announced. Don't forget that the plenary session is also streamed. Are your networks and organisations interested in our discussions? Let them know!

News from the ESCs/EESC

Main opinions to be discussed during the upcoming session (13-14 December 2023)

  • For an EU framework for national homeless strategies based on the principle of "Housing First" (SOC/768), Ms Barrera Chamorro (ES-II) & Mr Topolánszky (HU-III)
  • The climate crisis and its effect on vulnerable groups (SOC/770), Mr Vardakastanis (EL-III)
  • International protection of adults (SOC/779), Mr Barbieri (IT-III)
  • Revision of the victims' rights directive (SOC/780), Ms Juodkaitė (LT-III)
  • European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities (SOC/785), Mr Vardakastanis (EL-III)
  • Main challenges faced by EU islands, and mountainous and sparsely populated areas (ECO/612), Mr Vardakastanis (EL-III)
  • The strategic importance of the EU financial sector – How to improve assessment and evaluation (ECO/615), Mr García Del Riego (ES-I)
  • Securing Europe's medicine supply: envisioning a Critical Medicines Act (exploratory opinion requested by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU) (CCMI/212), Mr Pilawski (PL-I)
  • The role of youth in rural development (NAT/893), Ms Merlo (IT-II)
  • The impact of high energy prices on the agricultural sector and rural areas (NAT/899), Mr Tiainen (FI-III)
  • Advancing the EU's just transition policy framework: what measures are necessary? (exploratory opinion requested by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU) (NAT/915), Mr De Leeuw (BE-II) & Mr Puech d'Alissac (FR-I)
  • Posting of drivers in the European transport sector - challenges and opportunities (exploratory opinion requested by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the EU) (TEN/822), Ms Mastantuono (CZ-I) & Mr Szymański (PL-II)
  • EU Climate Diplomacy (REX/569), Mr Mallia (MT-I)
  • Strengthening Multilateralism and core international principles for a rules-based order in a rapidly changing world – The importance of Civil Society contribution to the UN system (REX/571), Mr Moos (DE-III) & Ms Buzek (DE-II)

Main opinions adopted during the previous session (25-26 October 2023)

  • Summary of adopted opinions

    • Competitiveness and Industry (Exploratory opinion requested by Spanish presidency) (INT/1033), Mr Barceló Delgado (ES-I) & Mr Pagliara (IT-II)
    • Modern Business Responsibility – Avenues for Elevating MSMEs' Ability for Successful Transformation (INT/1020), Ms Angelova (BG-I), Mr Wyckmans (BE-II) & Mr Kolbe (AT-III)
    • Pharmaceutical package (INT/1030), Mr Schaffenrath (AT-III)
    • Additional considerations on the Euro area economic policy 2023 (ECO/619), Mr Mavrommatis (CY-I)
    • Environmental, social and governance ratings (ECO/623), Mr Balon (PL-III) & Mr Mone (IT-II)
    • Next generation of own resources (ECO/626), Ms Zariņa (LV-I) & Mr Von Brockdorff (MT-II)
    • Digital skills and education package (SOC/774), Ms Angelova (BG-I), Ms Babrauskienė (LT-II), Ms Ochędzan (PL-III)
    • Update of the anti-corruption legislative framework (SOC/776), Mr Moreno Díaz (ES-II) & Mr De Castro Nabais Dos Santos (PT-III)
    • Umbrella opinion "A call for an EU Blue Deal" (CCMI/209), Mr Rübig (AT-I), Mr Marin (RO-II) & Ms JOÓ (HU-III)
    • EU and Agenda 2030: strengthening the implementation of the SDGs (exploratory opinion requested by the Spanish Presidency) (NAT/903), Ms Nikolopoulou (ES-II) & Ms Gerstein (DE-I)
    • Individual and collective energy self-consumption as a factor in the fight for the green and energy transition, and for economic and social balance (TEN/801), Mr Coulon (FR-II)

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