Innovation Campus - Workshop on Exploring Artificial Intelligence in R&D and KEP 2.0 seminar on knowledge valorisation

A dynamic day which combined two back-to-back events:

  • 10:00 - 13:00  Exploring Artificial Intelligence in R&D (Atrium 6) co-organised by the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions
  • 14:00 - 17:30 Knowledge valorisation for the regional and local R&I ecosystems (JDE 53) co-organised by the European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation in JDE 53

The morning workshop delved into Europe's AI landscape, explored Europe's position in the global talent race for AI expertise and identified EU´s comparative edge and its most promising sectors when it comes to AI in R&D. A timely debate in view of the preparation of the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The afternoon seminar discussed how better knowledge valorisation  is one of the actions that can support the strengthening of regional innovation ecosystems, improving the daily life of citizens and providing innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities currently confronting Europe. The discussion focused on how regional and local authorities can foster knowledge valorisation and boost innovation ecosystems translating knowledge into practical and innovative solutions.

Find below the KEY TAKEAWAYS drawn up on the basis of the workshop on Exploring Artificial Intelligence in R&D. They were officially shared with the key EU institutions in order to feed into the EU decision making in this transformative year and beyond.

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Key take aways