EESC President

EESC joins ILO's Global Coalition for Social Justice

On 16 January, the EESC decided to join the Global Coalition for Social Justice, an initiative of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) aimed at advancing progress in social justice worldwide.

The mission of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, an initiative of ILO Director-General Houngbo, aligns with the core values of the EESC. This includes the EESC commitment to, and its work on, labour rights, decent work, fair wages, and social inclusion. By becoming a partner in the Coalition, the EESC aims to amplify the scale and impact of its actions, cooperating with a broader network of actors to advance social justice.

President of EESC, Oliver Röpke said: "The EESC has been a steadfast champion of social justice in Europe and beyond. I am proud that we are taking an important step further in advancing social justice together, alongside our international partners. I would like to express my gratitude to ILO's Director General, Gilbert Houngbo, for spearheading this initiative, which the EESC wholeheartedly supports."   

About the Coalition

The Global Coalition for Social Justice aims to intensify collective efforts to urgently address social justice deficits and to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Sustainable Development Goals and the Decent Work Agenda. The overarching goal is to achieve a greater balance among the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, significantly reduce inequalities and poverty, and to address essential needs and opportunities worldwide.

The Coalition serves as a voluntary platform for governments, employers’ and workers’ organisations, international and regional organisations, financial institutions and development banks, enterprises, international non-governmental organisations, and academia. All are committed to advancing social justice and to engaging in collaborative efforts to that end.

The EESC is among the first partners to join the Coalition, with strong support for its establishment from EESC President Oliver Röpke.

Next Steps

The decision of the EESC to join the Coalition will be officially presented at the World Day for Social Justice, an event organised by the ILO held on 9 February 2024 (and streamed online on 20 February 2024).

More information

Global Coalition for Social Justice

Work organisation


Oliver Röpke European Economic and Social Committee rue Belliard/Belliardstraat
99-101 1040 Brussels Belgium

Tel (secretariat): +32 (0)2 546 99 32
Email (secretariat)

Media Contact

For press and media inquiries, please contact the President's Spokesperson
For photos of the President, please consult the EESC Media Library