European Economic
and Social Committee
Space and Society Project: Bridging the Missing Links!
The "Space and Society: bridging the missing links" project aims at helping to generate and maintain political support for current and future space programmes on both EU and national levels; bringing the attention of a larger audience and downstream stakeholders to the announced benefits from the European space policy as well as defining new and concrete actions to be implemented in this context.
Project Events
Six events were organised in Germany, France, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and The Netherlands. The selected themes were: Networking for SMEs and start-ups in Space market, Market development, Innovation and Education, Job Creation, Policies, Health and Art.
The objective was to meet, inform, network and discuss on specific thematic subjects related to the EU Space policy. Each event and its specific objectives were tailored to the context of the hosting country and coordinated as appropriate with the national actors. Such events represented an excellent opportunity to reach out beyond the space community and involve socio-economic actors from various sectors at all levels and might collect valuable inputs on societal challenges where space can contribute to a solution.
At the end of the project a closing conference took place at the EESC, in Brussels, to report on the local events, present the recommendations and future actions to the Commission, and produce a final report.
Project leader: |
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