2025 Work Programme of the Civil Society Organisations’ Group

In 2025, the Civil Society Organisations’ Group will maintain as its overriding priority the fight against poverty, which constitutes the first objective of the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of civil society organisations in combatting poverty. In addition, in the current challenging times, the defence of democracy, fundamental rights and the rule of law are of utmost importance to the Group. Combatting poverty can only be achieved with a strong, independent, inclusive and diverse civil society, which defends civic space and media freedom, strengthens civil dialogue and promotes civil preparedness. In this context, the Group will prioritise giving a voice to the most vulnerable, pursuing just transitions, equitable and inclusive societies. In parallel, the political changes within the Committee and the Group in 2025, will necessitate a significant amount of resources to be dedicated to the complex process of preparing for and managing the five-year renewal of the EESC and the transition to a new Group President.

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  • 2025 Work Programme of the Civil Society Organisations’ Group