Universal Service rights in the electronic communications in the European Union

Download — EESC opinion: Universal Service rights in the electronic communications in the European Union

Key points


  • considers that the lack of digital skills and price constitute a barrier to internet access, creating a problem of digital exclusion that drives social and economic inequalities;
  • favours the binding provision of universal access to an internet connection of at least 100 Mb/s for the effective use of rapidly developing basic digital services, which should be revised along with technical developments;
  • recommends that the EU Member States designate universal service operators in each country and support universal connectivity when market forces are not sufficient;
  • believes that Internet access should be considered as a fundamental right, in line with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights;
  • calls, as the infrastructure investment needs are very high, for consideration to be given to regulations that require platforms generating large amounts of data, especially large tech companies, to contribute to the cost of maintenance and development of the network and making sure it is secure.


Records of proceeding