For a pro-worker artificial intelligence: trade unions' role in preventing and minimising the negative impacts on the world of work

Practical information


The issue of artificial intelligence and its last evolution lacks specific attention to the impact on workers and their working conditions. While offering opportunities, the evolutions related to AI, if not well anticipated, discussed at highest level with workers representatives, and negotiate with them,  can conduct to massive deplacement of jobs, greater inequalities, intensification at work and lessen human autonomy and decision power, damage mental health and general working conditions.

In the EU’s eagerness to win the global AI race, workers' rights may be overlooked. This is why a protective and enforceable legal framework must be developed, with the participation of social partners.

Awareness of the use and risks stemming from algorithmic management (AM) is relatively high, in this context, workers are calling for specific provisions and collective negociation for being associated to the governance of algorithms. A framework is needed to prevent abusive practices and that humans remain in control.

The OIO should also focus on providing proposals (legislative and non-legislative) and recommendations to address the protection of workers’ labour, privacy and fundamental rights as discussed at the "sense making/ scenario building" workshop.