Organic Production/ labelling

Download — EESC opinion: Organic Production/ labelling

Key points

  • The EESC welcomes the Commission's legislative proposal and its intention to foster the development of organic farming in Europe and agrees that there is a need to remedy the shortcomings of the current system. The Commission should both encourage the development of organic farming and boost consumer confidence in organic products. Nevertheless, the EESC is concerned that the Commission's impact assessment fails to properly assess the impact of a new regulation on the further development of organic farming in Europe.
  • In the main, the Committee supports the Commission's goal of total conversion of mixed farms to organic farming, provided that provision is made for exceptions in certain cases. Additional support measures are required to help farmers make the transition to 100% organic farming. The Committee urges the Commission to analyse and take account both of the varying traditions, histories and climatic conditions in the Member States and EU regions and of the specificities of production in individual countries, ensuring that there is scope for flexibility in applying the exceptions.