Energy Digitalisation: Balancing Opportunities and Risks for European Consumers

EESC section opinion: Energy Digitalisation: Balancing Opportunities and Risks for European Consumers
  1. Practical information
  • Composition of the study group
  • Administrator: Aleksandra SARMAN GRILC, Assistant: Vicentzia NEAGU
  • Foreseen for the TEN section meeting: 21 June 2024
  • Foreseen for the EESC plenary session:  10-11 July 2024
  1. Background

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the European energy sector, digitalisation emerges as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it promises unprecedented efficiency, consumer empowerment and a pathway to a sustainable energy future. Advanced intelligent grids, real-time energy consumption data (leading to wider adoption and proliferation of demand side response at household level), and AI-driven energy management systems can revolutionise how consumers interact with and understand their energy usage.

These innovations can potentially democratise energy access, reduce costs and contribute significantly to the European Green Deal's objectives. On the other hand, there are palpable risks. Data privacy concerns, potential cyber-attacks on energy infrastructure and the digital divide that might leave vulnerable populations behind are issues that cannot be ignored. The EESC's own-initiative opinion would allow us to delve into these complexities, offering a balanced perspective on the opportunities and challenges, ensuring that the digital energy transition is inclusive, secure and truly beneficial for all European consumers.


Digitalisation of the energy system
Publication Office EU Digitalisation of the energy system