European Economic
and Social Committee
Democracy in Africa – current situation and future perspectives. What role for the EESC?
Key Points
- believes that democracy requires respect for human rights, robust institutions, the separation of powers – guaranteeing the rule of law and independence of the judiciary – free and fair elections, accountability to the people, the right to full participation, and measures to tackle discrimination;
- welcomes the African Union’s (AU) commitment to democratic values and to promoting democracy as highlighted in the aspirations set out in the AU 2063 Agenda;
- welcomes the development of democracy in Africa and African citizens’ commitment to this development, as well as the popular support for democracy, despite having been eroded somewhat over the past decade;
- calls on the European institutions to step up cooperation on developing democracy and on increasing public trust and participation in democratic processes and on supporting civil society;
- feels that the European approach should be based on a relationship between equals and take into account the continent’s complexity in terms of economic development, social progress, the provision of critical infrastructure, diversity, and geopolitical and strategic interests;
- believes that the Global Gateway strategy is of great importance for EU-Africa relations, and reaffirms that it will strengthen economic and political ties, ensuring respect for democratic and social principles;
- firmly believes that, based on its experience and together with recognised representatives of African civil society, including social partners, it can help promote democratic values, advocate human rights, and enhance civil, social and political dialogue, notably in the context of the institutional mechanisms for civil society participation to be set up under the Samoa Agreement;
- commits to pursue and improve its activities to promote and support African civil society organisations and social partners by facilitating their establishment, organisation and action and by helping boost their institutional capacity, as a contribution to achieving the EU’s goal of making democracy resilient in Africa;
- insists that its action will be guided by the indissoluble link between the promotion of civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, and economic growth and social progress;
- is most pleased that a memorandum of understanding was signed between itself and the African Union ECOSOCC; an exceedingly important step in consolidating civil society’s contribution to the partnership between Europe and Africa.
REX/584 _Record of proceedings