Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography

EESC section opinion: Combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography

Practical information


One in five children suffer from some form of sexual violence, offline and online. The internet has greatly worsened the spread of child sexual abuse. With this proposal, the Commission continues its implementation of the 2020-2025 EU strategy for a More Effective Fight Against Child Sexual Abuse. Combating violence against children and ensuring child protection is one of the objectives of the 2021 EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child. The recast of the Directive 2011/93/EU attempts to ensure that all Member States uphold the principles of the child-friendly approach to justice. Key aspects of the proposal include:

  • Expanding the definition of criminal offences related to child sexual abuse across Member States.
  • Strengthening prosecution, prevention and support.
  • Stepping up prevention as Member States are also asked to step up investment in awareness raising to ensure that the internet is safer and better for children and young people.
  • There will also be mandatory reporting of an offence at least by professionals working in close contact with children.

This proposal is also complementary to the proposal for a Regulation which sets out obligations for internet companies to detect, report and remove child sexual abuse material on their services.