A Blueprint for a European Green and Social Deal, based on a wellbeing economy

Practical information

1. Composition of the Study group and timeline
2. Administrators / Assistant in charge: Caroline VERHELST, Gaia BOTTONI/ Isabel ANTUNES
3. Contact


The challenges caused by worsening climate and biodiversity emergencies, the proliferation of pandemics, escalating and devastating conflicts, rising migration rates and cost of living are raising political tensions and jeopardising the objectives of the European Green Deal (EGD). While these multifaceted crises have exposed the fragility of our system, they also present an opportunity for transformative change. As the EESC has called for in many opinions, a paradigm shift is needed towards a wellbeing economy for a green and just transition aligned with the Agenda 2030. Such a transition requires active engagement from citizens and organised civil society, a holistic, cross-sectoral approach, foresight, and systemic thinking.

While the EGD commits to "leave no-one behind", the current framework insufficiently addresses the social dimension and fails to tackle the root causes of global crises comprehensively. The next European Green and Social Deal offers a pivotal opportunity to overhaul our socio-economic paradigm, steering towards a wellbeing economy where people and the planet can thrive. This model must tackle existing socioeconomic inequalities while fostering sustainability on a global scale.

With this own-initiative opinion, the EESC aims to provide civil society recommendations for shaping the next European Green and Social Deal. Drawing upon the experience, successes and shortcomings of the current EGD, these recommendations for a new framework of prosperity will seek to influence the forthcoming Commission's working programme.