Annual Growth Survey 2018 (communication)

Download — EESC opinion: Annual Growth Survey 2018 (communication)

Key messages:


  • considers the framework of the European Semester to be of strategic importance and it is committed to continuing to contribute in the most effective way possible.
  • endorses the priorities set out in the European Commission's 2018 Annual Growth Survey.
  • reiterates its views regarding the fact that the AGS does not cover other relevant policy areas such as environmental policy or other relevant issues such as the quality of employment.
  • supports the view that the key to increasing long-term growth is investment, innovation and knowledge, education and lifelong learning, particularly in green technologies and the circular economy but also in more traditional sectors.
  • shares the Commission's view that economically and social reasonable and well-balanced structural reforms in well-functioning labour markets and product markets are essential for the adaptation of the European economy to long-term structural changes and possible economic and environmental shocks.
  • considers the European Semester will need to be adapted to a future post-2020 strategy.
  • reiterates the need to increase the role of organised civil society in the European Semester cycle and specifically in the preparation of the Annual Growth Survey.