Action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027

Download — EESC opinion: Action plan on integration and inclusion 2021-2027

Key points


  • points that the Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 (hereinafter the 'Action Plan')is broader in scope than the previous one: unlike its 2016 predecessor, it covers not only migrants, but also EU citizens "with a migrant background".
  • acknowledges that the Action Plan addresses all policy areas that are essential for the socio-economic and political integration of newly-arrived migrants, and gives an overview of the list of European initiatives in different fields that can have an impact on migration and integration.
  • supports the objectives proposed by the Action Plan in key sectoral areas. However, these are examples of possible actions rather than measurable targets.
  • highlights that the integration and inclusion tools listed in the Action Plan are mainly in the hands of national, regional, and local authorities. Action at EU level is complementary and designed to promote, facilitate, and coordinate collaboration. There are no global or specific objectives for Member States, but only recommendations.
  • points out that the real challenges lie in implementing these policies.
  • encourages the Commission to put in place continuous monitoring of the Action Plan’s implementation.
  • emphasises that the value of work in general should be a thread running through the Action Plan, as work in all its different forms is a key aspect of integration and personal development.
  • suggests that the Commission makes access to funding on migrants' inclusion and integration easier, for instance by creating a dedicated integration instrument.
  • fears that funding for integration will gradually slip down the priority list.
  • emphasises the importance of civil society in general for integration into the local way of life, as well as the specific role of unions and employers' organisations.