The Employers' Group Newsletter June 2024 - Online

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EU elections 2024: 
Whatever happens, the EU must act decisively

We are on the eve of possibly the most important EU elections since 1979, when Europeans voted in European Parliament elections for the first time, by universal suffrage. Polls suggest that this time far- right parties will secure significant gains, reflecting a trend we have been witnessing across many of our countries for several years. ...

The peaceful coexistence of democratic states has never ceased to be our philosophy. The emphasis on peace is the most outstanding achievement of nearly 80 years of this great project which we call the Union. Aversion to military action and the ability to resolve conflicts through negotiation and compromise have become the new DNA of Europeans. It is something we are proud of, but also something that has made us lose our vigilance. We naively believed that armed aggression had been eliminated from our chemosphere once and for all. ...

New Growth Plan and Reform for the Western Balkans : a step to take these countries out of the waiting room

This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the historic ‘big bang’ EU enlargement when 10 Central and Eastern European countries became members of the EU.
On the contrary, there was no cause for celebration last year, when we reached another milestone – 20 years since the Thessaloniki Summit when the EU Heads of States and Governments gave their commitment to the EU integration of Western Balkan countries.

Climate target for 2040 opens the next phase of EU climate policy

The incoming European Parliament and the Council will be faced with the task of setting a 2040 climate target for the European Union. As the goals for climate neutrality by 2050 and 55 percent emissions reduction for 2030 are already laid down in EU Climate Law, the 2040 target is a midway point that opens the debate on EU climate and energy policy in the 2030’s.

Beating cancer by beating EU's strategic dependencies

Despite being a world leader in the supply of medical radioisotopes, Europe heavily relies on third countries for key source materials and specific processing operations. This has the potential to disrupt supply chains and threaten access to life-saving diagnosis and treatment for many Europeans. To reverse this trend and meet the increasing demand from patients, we need public and private investment in research and development and in new production infrastructures, sound regulation and bold political decisions.

Extraordinary Employers’ Group meeting - The promotion of innovation as a key driver for europe's competitiveness

In the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, the Employers’ Group, together with the Belgian employers’ federation (Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen (VBO) - Fédération des Entreprises de Belgique (FEB)) held a conference to highlight the importance of innovation for EU growth and competitiveness.


Daniela Vincenti | Katharina Radler |


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