Towards an EU maritime strategy: Navigating into the future through coordinated investment policies, legislative initiatives, social dialogue and involving civil society


75% of the EU's external trade is carried out by sea. The strategic importance of maritime transport has been demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the continued transport and trade of food and medical supplies was ensured.

Protecting our oceans and seabed is a prerequisite for an effective maritime policy, and global maritime security is necessary to unlock the potential of a sustainable blue economy. In addition to the Russia-Ukraine war, attacks on maritime security are emerging all over the world, threatening the security of the global economy, data flows and trade, as well as those involved in it. Climate change, environmental degradation of coastal and marine areas and maritime protection all require coordinated joint action.

Major investments are needed to develop new technologies, the use of alternative fuels and advanced port and marina infrastructure, along with reforms in the regulatory framework at European and international level.

This own-initiative opinion seeks to investigate the mechanics and the optimal policy mix to enhance the green capacity of the European shipping industry, without putting at risk the competitiveness and comparative advantages of the maritime and shipping sector.

The opinion could also provide several social, environmental, and economic insights into the development of a green shipping industry and the substitution of obsolete, non-economic, non-sustainable fleets. Faced with both challenges and opportunities with the various transitions underway, the maritime sector also has to drive the decarbonisation and digitalisation of the industry, while ensuring a just transition and advancing its competitiveness.


Key points


  • calls for a new EU maritime strategy that aims to create a European maritime space for more competitive and economically, environmentally and socially sustainable EU shipping with clear and transparent rules, including the employment dimension;
  • calls for an immediate action plan that reacts to long-standing illicit activities, new and evolving threats such as the operations of shadow fleets and increasing geopolitical competition, and responds to the current needs of the EU’s defence, its international relations and trade policies;
  • advocates a true level playing field where substandard vessels must not be allowed to operate in European waters, competing with vessels registered under high performing and leading registries;
  • stresses the need to create an enabling environment for the reflagging of EU controlled tonnage back to EU national flags;
  • underlines the importance of a new social contract, which includes the efficient enforcement of existing legislation in the sector, and the political will to undertake legally binding legislative initiatives offering seafarers the same level of social protection as people working ashore.

Additional information

Section: Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)

Opinion number: TEN/832

Opinion type: Own-initiative

Rapporteur: Ágnes Cser (Group III - Hungary)

Co-rapporteur: Tanja Buzek (Group II - Germany)

Date of adoption by section: 11 December 2024

Result of the vote: 50 in favour, 9 against, 10 abstentions

Date of adoption in plenary: 22-23 January 2025

Result of the vote: 153 in favour, 86 against, 11 abstentions



Marco Pezzani

Press Officer

Tel.: +32 2 546 9793 | Mob: +32 470 881 903



Aleksandra Šarman Grilc


Tel.: +32 546 8333


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