Strategic Foresight Report 2022


On 29 June 2022, the European Commission adopted its 2022 Strategic Foresight Report (SFR), with the title Twinning the green and digital transitions in the new geopolitical context. The report looks into how to best align the EU's climate ambitions and its potentially clashing digital goals, and identifies ten key areas where action is needed to maximise synergies and consistency between them so as to strengthen the EU's resilience and open strategic autonomy. In its opinion, the EESC comments on the 2022 SFR and also provides input regarding the forthcoming 2023 SFR, which will mainly focus on a socially and economically sustainable Europe with a stronger role in the world.

Key points

The EESC recommends:

  • involving the EESC from the very beginning of the foresight process in future. Organised civil society can strengthen the EU's analysis and foresight capacities, and is best placed to pinpoint emerging trends and suggest viable solutions;
  • a strategic foresight agenda geared towards a new development model that combines economic, environmental and social sustainability and puts people at the centre;
  • setting out a clearer picture of the risks and scenarios in the event that the desired objectives are not met, especially when it comes to the availability of raw materials, rare earth metals and water resources;
  • looking into the following strategic policy areas in the forthcoming annual foresight exercise:
    • supply systems and the resilience of Europe's agri-food sector;
    • fostering a strong, cohesive, and innovative European industrial system that is capable of generating quality jobs;
    • the need to achieve strategic energy autonomy and also to support businesses and workers following on from what was done during the pandemic crisis.


The rapporteur, Angelo Pagliara, said:

Why do we say that the EESC's participation should be strengthened, and that this will help to foresee trends? Because many of the issues in the Commission's report have already been addressed by the EESC in its opinions in previous years, and we have very strong expertise and experience. So, what we're saying is: Come to us, involve us more because we can really help you.

Link to full opinion

Additional information

EESC section responsible: Single Market, Production and Consumption (INT)

Opinion type: optional referral

Rapporteur: Angelo Pagliara (Workers/IT)

Reference: COM (2022) 289 final

Date of adoption by section: 11/03/2023

Result of the vote: 45 votes in favour, none against, with no abstentions

Date of adoption by plenary session: 22/03/2023

Result of the vote:  204 votes in favour, none against, with 3 abstentions


Daniela Marangoni

Press Officer

Tel.: + 32 2 546 8422 | Mob: +32 475 99 94 32



RaĂşl Muriel Carrasco

Policy officer

Tel.: +32 2 546 8270
