European Economic
and Social Committee
The physical completion of EU’s internal market in the new geopolitical situation
Well-functioning trans-European networks (TENs) are essential for the physical completion of the internal market and for a more competitive European Union.
It is key to fix the existing physical gaps in the transport infrastructure and to pay attention to the missing links in all transport modes and urban nodes. This will make it possible to increase the EU’s internal cohesion and to promote its competitiveness by deepening the single market, which is a priority for the EU economic security strategy.
Geopolitics and the single market are interconnected and the current tense geopolitical situation requires additional considerations on the risks to EU’s critical infrastructures, including European transport-networks.
Key points
- finds it crucial to focus more efforts on improving the resilience and reliability of transport systems; highlights the need for a proper analysis conducted on the consequences of crisis for all transport modes and possible new handicaps in the connectivity of different areas within the EU.
- finds it imperative that in the next MFF an appropriate level of funding is allocated to investment in the development and maintenance of transport infrastructure in a well-targeted manner, starting with the objective of completing the TEN-T Core Network by 2030.
- calls for more emphasis to be placed on the dual use of infrastructure and military mobility, while also working together with NATO.
- stresses that from the comprehensive security point of view, it is important to improve the vitality and single market connections of the EU’s border regions.
- calls for steps to facilitate labour mobility, enhance competences and skills, and make the transport sector more attractive.
Additional information
Section: Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN)
Opinion number: TEN/845
Opinion type: Own-initiative
Rapporteur: Päivi Wood (Group I - Finland)
Date of adoption by section: 5 February 2025
Result of the vote: 62 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions
Date of adoption in plenary: 26-27 February 2025
Result of the vote: 208 in favour, 0 against, 2 abstentions
Marco Pezzani
Press Officer
Tel.: +32 2 546 9793 | Mob: +32 470 881 903
Albert Precup
Tel.: +32 546 9326