Measures to fight stigma against HIV


HIV transmission remains a major public health concern, with 2.3 million people affected in the WHO European Region alone. The situation is particularly concerning in its eastern countries, such as Ukraine, which has the second-largest AIDS epidemic in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. As for the EU/EEA, 17 000 people were diagnosed with HIV in 2021. People most likely to contract HIV are those who are marginalised or whose behaviour is socially stigmatised, such as people who use intravenous drugs and their sexual partners, men who have sex with men, transgender people, sex workers, prisoners and migrants. People infected with HIV still face stigma. For too long, little has been done to stop the harmful consequences of discrimination in various parts of the world and in specific social contexts. The EESC supports the commitment of the Spanish presidency of the Council to put the goal of eliminating HIV-related stigma and discrimination high on the EU agenda. The emphasis will also be put on prevention, timely diagnosis and proper treatment of HIV infection, in an effort to effectively stop the spread of the virus.


Key points:

In the opinion, the EESC:

  • agrees that the European institutions should issue a high-level declaration on eliminating HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Europe to be presented to the European Parliament on 1 December 2023. It undertakes to support the declaration and take part in it at every possible level, using all means and forums available;
  • considers it essential to promote awareness-raising, training and information actions, especially in schools, involving organised civil society, youth and student organisations, with the aim of overcoming stigma, discrimination and false stereotypes;
  • calls for a more ambitious new target for all countries to be achieved by 2030, improving coverage levels to as high as 95% for testing, treatment and virological suppression. The timely diagnosis of HIV infection, the early start of therapy and continuum of care are the cornerstones of controlling the spread of infection.


The text of the draft opinion can be found here.


Additional information

Section: Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship (SOC)

Opinion number: SOC/758

Opinion type: Exploratory opinion requested by the Spanish presidency

Rapporteur: Pietro Vittorio Barbieri

Co-rapporteur: Nicoletta Merlo

Reference: Letter of 08/12/2022

Date of adoption by section: 31/05/2023

Result of the vote: 64 in favour/0 against/0 abstentions

Date of adoption in plenary: 14/06/2023

Result of the vote:



Press officer:  Laura Lui          

Tel.:     00 32 2 546 9189



Administrator: Margherita Logrillo

Tel.:     00 32 2 546 9099
