European Economic
and Social Committee
Democracy in Africa- current situation and future perspectives. What role for the EESC?
The opinion will explore the state of democracy in Africa and the role that the EU-Africa partnership and the recently signed Samoa agreement can play in strengthening democracy and democratic values in the region.
Key points
In the opinion the EESC:
- welcomes the African Union’s (AU) commitment to democratic values and to promoting democracy as highlighted in the aspirations set out in the AU 2063 Agenda;
- believes that the Global Gateway strategy is of great importance for EU-Africa relations, and reaffirms that it will strengthen economic and political ties, ensuring respect for democratic and social principles;
- commits to pursue and improve its activities to promote and support African civil society organisations and social partners by facilitating their establishment, organisation and action and by helping boost their institutional capacity, as a contribution to achieving the EU’s goal of making democracy resilient in Africa.
Additional information
EESC section: External Relations (REX)
Opinion number: REX/584-EESC-2024
opinion type: Own-initiative
Rapporteur: Carlos Manuel TRINDADE, (Workers -GR II/ Portugal)
Date of adoption by section: 12/11/2024
Date of adoption in plenary: 4 December 2024
Result of the vote in plenary: 166 in favour /2 against/ 0 abstentions
Millie Tsoumani
Press Officer, Tel.: +32 (0) 2 546 9088, Email:
Charlotte Rive
Administrator, Policy Officer, Tel.: +32 (0) 2 546 9388, Email: