Press releases

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    The deadline to apply for the prize, totalling EUR 50 000, runs until 10 a.m. (Brussels time) on 30 September

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    At its annual conference in Brussels, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) pointed out that the EU must do more to tackle energy poverty and protect its vulnerable citizens. The time has come to set out a clear strategy with an unequivocal commitment at all levels.

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    Adopting a human rights approach to water management, boosting investments in infrastructure and technologies, introducing water consumption labels and price restructuring are among the key recommendations of the six EESC opinions on water adopted at its July plenary. They make up the first wave of EESC proposals for a comprehensive water policy for Europe under its Blue Deal initiative. On 26 October, the EESC will present its Call for an EU Blue Deal to the EU institutions and stakeholders.

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    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomed representatives from civil society organisations from candidate countries at its July plenary session, announcing the initiative to appoint Honorary Enlargement Members and invite them to participate in the daily advisory work of the Committee

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    In a plenary debate with Commission Vice President Dubravka Ĺ uica, the EESC asked the Commission to present a new strategy for older persons before the end of the current mandate

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    Civil society organisations, individuals and private companies can now enter their non-profit projects for the EESC's prize dedicated to supporting the mental well-being of Europeans

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    Young people should receive the same pay and social security benefits as other workers, including the same minimum wages, which is still not the case in all Member States

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    At its June plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) recommended reforming the EU's electricity market by liberalising where possible and regulating where necessary. Main priority: guarantee an affordable basic energy supply at regulated prices.

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    On 12 June, the EESC launched its first event on fighting disinformation, kick-starting an awareness-raising campaign ahead of the European Parliament elections in 2024. The event, which gathered prominent figures from the civil society, media and youth organisations, highlighted the need for a more bottom-up approach with a strong civil society network countering disinformation on the ground. However, political awareness and solid legislative framework together with independent media are also crucial in the fight against fake news penetration.

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    Lack of media coverage, problems in reaching citizens, financial difficulties and uncertain political follow-up were among the ECI issues discussed at the European Economic and Social Committee.