Stop the massacre – Workers' Group Press Release following the Rafah bombing

Following the abominable attack on a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, which caused the death of 45 people, the EESC Workers' Group expresses its strongest condemnation. Just two days after a decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN's highest court, called on the Israeli authorities to immediately halt its offensive in the area, where hundreds of thousands of people have taken refuge.

Joining the international wave of condemnations, the Workers' Group reiterates that these serious violations of international humanitarian law currently taking place must cease immediately. The international community, which has the primary responsibility for ensuring the credibility of the international legal system, must take effective measures to ensure compliance with the ICJ decision. A full and transparent investigation into these illegal attacks must also be carried out.

The EESC Workers' Group reiterates its demand the immediate liberation of all hostages in the hands of Hamas since October 7th, and its call on the international community, the UN and the European Union to do everything in their power to bring about an immediate ceasefire and allow humanitarian aid to reach the population.


Lucie Studničná, President of the Workers' Group at the EESC

Ozlem Yldirim, Vice-president of the Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law at the EESC

Thomas Wagnsonner, President of the Euromed Follow-up Committee at the EESC

Work organisation