
  • In its capacity as the home of civil society, the EESC welcomed participants from several developing countries to the 2023 Civil Society Forum on Trade and Sustainable Development. Joined by high-level representatives from the EU, the ILO and UNCTAD, civil society speakers openly discussed existing policies and new initiatives, called for a truly inclusive approach and proposed concrete solutions to make trade a driving force for the Just Transition.

  • The EESC is calling for the scope of the Commission proposal for a European Disability Card to be expanded to cover longer stays for work and study, with the goal of fully achieving freedom of movement of persons with disabilities in the EU

  • The EU should promote climate diplomacy as a flagship policy in its external action, stressed the European Economic and Social Committee in its opinion adopted in the December plenary. A robust and credible strategic plan is needed to adjust its climate diplomacy to the current geopolitical landscape and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • We welcome the provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act reached by EU lawmakers. The text enshrines into law several crucial recommendations we made in our opinion of September 2021, such as banning social scoring, irrespective of who performs it. As we stressed back then, there is no place in the EU for such practises.

  • On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we spoke to the EESC's Vice President for Budget, Krzysztof Pater, who authored the 2019 information report on the rights of persons with disabilities to vote in European elections

  • Some 42% of Europe's older population report that age discrimination is prevalent in their country, with ageism peaking in the workplace. As the proportion of people over 65 is set to steadily rise in the coming decades, the EU is in dire need of a comprehensive strategy which will allow for a fundamental change, both in policies and in society's perception of older people

  • The EESC event "Connecting EU" 2023 seminar dedicated to the upcoming European elections, took place in Bratislava, Slovakia on 23-24 November 2023 and ensured a large presence of women's participation.

  • In Europe's rural communities, the silent struggle for equality and opportunity for young women is still ongoing. On 22 November, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a debate on gender equality and youth in rural areas during the meeting of its Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment. The event is in line with the EESC's commitment to the Rural Pact and the European Gender Equality Week.

  • Marking the International Day for the elimination of violence against women on 25 November, EESC member JosĂ© Antonio Moreno DĂ­az,  rapporteur for the opinion SOC/726 Combatting violence against women, believes that violence against women and girls is a tragedy that is sweeping Europe.