Movie night: watch an Oscar and Lux prize nominated film and learn more about the EU and the elections

Copenhagen, Denmark - Holst Sif; Neiiendam Juliane Marie.


DIMA, a network affiliated with The Engineering Association in Denmark


Watch the film 'Teacher's Lounge' and get a movie night out of the ordinary. The film is nominated for a LUX Audience Award and was nominated for an Oscar in 2024 for the best foreign film of the year.  It's about discrimination, how to handle conflict, stand by what you believe, surveillance and distorted truths. This is a time of change, turmoil and togetherness under pressure. There are elections to the European Parliament on 9 June. Hear how the EU focuses on the dilemmas in everyday life.

Before the film, Juliane Marie Neiiendam will present the structure and principles of the EU. You will also hear a presentation of the EESC and the EU elections, promoting active participation therein. Diversity and inclusion will be highlighted in a debate with EESC member Sif Holst, Vice Chairman of the Danish Disability Organisations.

The event is a platform for debate and reflection on Europe and its future.

Don't miss your chance to win a number of exciting prizes, including a trip to the European Parliament to attend the LUX Awards ceremony on 16 April 2024.

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