European Employers call for an open, united and strong EU

Less than two months before the European elections, the Employers' Group calls for an open, united and strong EU. Business representatives are committed to working for a strong and prosperous EU. The strength of the EU lies in its attractiveness. To further benefit from this "European way of life", we need a competitive business environment. These are just some of the main messages emerging from the Political Declaration that the Employers' Group has recently adopted.

On 9 April, the President of the Group, Jacek Krawczyk handed the declaration to the Vice-President of the European Commission, Jyrki Katainen. We issued this declaration to be vocal about employers' support for the EU. The benefits the EU brings are obvious for everyone doing business but too often we forgot about them in daily life. The employers want to change this â€“ stated President Krawczyk.

The declaration calls for an open economy – with open markets and fair competition. An open economy must be accompanied by an open society that relies on dialogue and good governance. Europe needs enabling and encouraging policies that stimulate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

The employers are confident that openness increases stability and security both in the economy and society. An open economy and society are beneficial for all. This is a way forward to generate new confidence in the EU.

The declaration is available in all official EU languages via the links below.

Work organisation


The Employers' Group Declaration