Declaration of the Workers' Group on the occasion of International Women's Day

Declaration of the Workers’ Group

On International Women's Day 2018, the EESC Workers' Group wants the EU institutions to listen more attentively and effectively to the voice of women: to those who have had the courage to say #MeToo and to those who are saying #IwantWorkLifeBalance.

Women are fighting back against growing attempts to take back control over their bodies and lives. Sexual violence and harassment against women and girls, is the worst manifestation of the power imbalance between women and men in our society. It affects women in the home but also in the workplace. As trade unionists, we must stand firm against violence at work - there can be no decent work with violence at work. The Workers' Group is supporting the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) campaign for an international labour standard on “violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work”, which will be discussed by the International Labour Conference in June 2018.

Many right-wing populist want to push women back into the house to the detriment to their economic independence and their social freedom. Effective work-life balance policies, which allow both women AND men to balance work and family and encourage men to take up an equal share of caring and domestic responsibilities are crucial for women's emancipation. The EESC Workers' Group, along with the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and Families Europe (COFACE), is also calling for the swift adoption of the proposed EU Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers. The new legislation would provide a stronger framework of paid family-related leaves, providing working people with real choices to help them balance their family lives with their jobs.

On International Women's Day 2018, the EESC Workers' Group says:

- STOP gender-based violence at work!

- YES to the Work Life Balance Directive!

Women and men united for liberty, equality and solidarity


Work organisation