The black legend of Largo Caballero, by Juan Moreno

During its meeting on 28 March, the EESC's Association of Former Members will welcome former Workers' Group member Juan Moreno, author of a book on the Spanish politician and trade unionist Largo Caballero.

The book, entitled "The black legend of Largo Caballero," is a comprehensive collection of Caballero’s participation in the workers' struggle and the challenges he had to face: from his humble beginnings as a stuccoist, passing by his controversial collaboration with Primo de Rivera’s Government, his involvement in the Asturian Miners’ Strike in 1934, his period as Labour Minister, and how he ended up in a Nazi concentration camp.

Juan Moreno, who is a Spanish trade unionist from CCOO, will present the book and discuss the research process and the challenges he faced in compiling Largo Caballero's bibliography. Speakers among others will be Workers' Group President Oliver Röpke and former EESC President Georges Dassis. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a lively discussion about the book's contents and significance.

Largo Caballero was a prominent figure in Spanish politics during the early 20th century. He was one of the most important historical leaders of the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), of the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT) and an apprentice of Pablo Iglesias, founder of PSOE. His ideas and actions, even if some of them were controversial, had a deep influence on shaping the course of Spanish history, and their legacy continues to be studied and debated by scholars and activists around the world.

This event will offer the opportunity to learn more about the life and work of Largo Caballero, as well as to engage with other current and former members of the EESC, the EP, and other history enthusiasts and scholars. We encourage anyone who is interested in this topic to join us on the 28th of March, at the European Economic and Social Committee’s VMA 3.

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