• IN THIS ISSUE: European society should transition from a throw‑away culture to a more sustainable, job‑rich era; EESC calls upon Commissioner Katainen to operationalise investment plan without delay; Commission must push for greater solidarity in 2017, says EESC; Solidarity with migrants in the European Union; Celebrating civil society at its best.



    EESC Info newsletter January 2017
  • IN THIS ISSUE: Europe needs to do better for consumers, says the EESC; The EESC calls for a financial instrument to end “beaching”; EESC Civil Society Migration Prize to reward inspiring and successful examples of human solidarity; Madi Sharma writes book to help turn 7 billion ideas into action.



    EESC Info newsletter Dec 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE: EESC pushes for lowering of multinational tax disclosure threshold to below EUR 750 million; Nuclear programming: the EESC urges the EU to adopt a more comprehensive strategy; President Juncker at the EESC plenary: "There is not enough union in this Europe"; Applications for EESC Civil Society Prize hit all-time record!

    EESC info October 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE: Europe’s steel industry needs alevel playing field to survive; Digital e-seniors and the silver economy; EESC calls for strong EU action against wildlife trafficking; EESC members engage in Europe-wide debates on the European Pillar of Social Rights.

    EESC info September 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE:   EU Border Guard: right to intervene and need to prioritise the protection of fundamental rights; CIVIL SOCIETY DAYS 2016: Dialogue and solidarity at EU level are key to a prosperous and peaceful Europe; Socio-economic actors to play a key role in post-Cotonou; Migration, a story of two worlds.

    EESC info July 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE:  Two-way integration policies will benefi t refugees and locals,according to the EESC; Civil society needs to be involved in all aspects of the Energy Union; Digital Day at the EESC; EESC Conference on the Aviation Strategy for Europe.

    EESC info May 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE:  President Dassis’ statement concerning the terrorist attacks in Brussels; Interview to Gonçalo Lobo Xavier on the migration project; Members back from migration missions share their experience; New EESC study on planned obsolescence; Your Europe, Your Say! 2016; Giles Duley photograph exhibition

    EESC info Apil 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE:  EESC adopts resolution and launches its campaign to support Schengen at February plenary; Europe needs to defeat poverty, children most at risk; Official visits by Georges Dassis, EESC President  to Greece, the Netherlands and Spain; New delegates on industrial change join the EESC.

    EESC info March 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE:  The Tunisian quartet / EESC: our partnership is more important than ever; Responsible Research and Innovation – science and civil society working together; EESC completes round of eleven fact-fi nding missions to the Member States aimed at tackling the refugee and migration crisis; Making the Circular Economy happen. Planned obsolescence back under EESC scrutiny



    EESC Info February 2016
  • IN THIS ISSUE: Cycling heroes ask EU decision-makers to experience disability for just one day; Managing the refugee and migration crisis; Dutch EU presidency: focusing on the essentials; Your Europe, Your Say! 2016 - Giving a voice to young people.

    EESC info January 2016