For the second year running, the EESC is liaising with the European Parliament and replicating the European Gender Equality Week initiative. The idea is to include a gender perspective in debates as part of our regular work.

The EESC has decided to organise a number of events during the October and November meetings of its sections and consultative committee on industrial change (CCMI). In addition, at its October plenary, which will take place during Gender Equality Week, the EESC will be holding a debate with MEP and European Parliament Vice-President Evelyn Regner, who is responsible for this project at the Parliament. 

The EESC has embraced this initiative and I hope we can keep it running for as long as is necessary in order to raise awareness of the fact that, even though we are progressing towards effective equality between men and women, progress is neither fast enough nor consolidated. Our society is openly against inequality, discrimination and violence against women. Consciously and publicly, women's rights are being defended and respected by the majority. But unfortunately, certain attitudes and discourses are so deeply ingrained that some people unconsciously fall into the trap and perpetuate them, while others do it on purpose so as to block social change.

The remits of the EESC sections give us an opportunity to highlight the position of women in a variety of contexts, from the most male-dominated ones to the ones where women are most represented. Gender equality is not a "women's thing". It is a precondition for building fair, resilient and prosperous societies. That is why it is important for women and men to walk down this road together, hand in hand, demonstrating mutual respect and support. 

Maria Nikolopoulou, EESC member and President of the Equality Group