During its September plenary, the EESC adopted an own-initiative opinion on the EU Youth Test. For years, young people have demanded that their voices be heard in decision-making processes. With this opinion, the EESC becomes the first EU body to support their call for a mechanism to assess the impact of future legislation on youth.

The Committee argues that to achieve a long-lasting impact and leave a legacy beyond the European Year of Youth, young people need to be involved in policy-making.

"Young people are calling for the EU Youth Test" said the EESC rapporteur of the opinion, Katrīna Leitāne. "To make regulations and policies better, an EU Youth Test should be introduced:  an impact analysis tool designed to ensure no negative impact of any policies is foreseen on youth and future generations by meaningfully engaging with young people and proposing mitigation measures."

The EESC acknowledges the reference to the EU Youth Test in the European Commission's Communication on the outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe. However, it emphasises that the Commission's proposal falls short of the original proposal's goals, lacks meaningful engagement with youth organisations and experts and fails to take youth into account systematically in all policies to consider the long-term impact of policies on future generations.

The EESC also calls for greater interinstitutional cooperation in aligning existing successful initiatives such as the EU Youth Dialogue, Your Europe, Your Say! and the European Youth Event. In addition, the Committee outlines a list of proposals to foster youth participation within the EESC itself and will consider ways to incorporate the EU Youth Test concept into its work. (gb)