By the EESC Employers' Group

The current diversity and potential of AI applications are nearly unlimited, and many businesses and citizens unknowingly use AI-driven solutions at present. As these innovative technologies become increasingly mainstream, MSMEs need to adopt AI to maintain their position vis-Ă -vis existing and emerging competitors. Nevertheless, several obstacles lead to an adoption gap between markets and/or between large corporations and MSMEs. A recent study shed light on the opportunities and challenges of AI uptake for Europe's MSMEs.

AI poses a series of societal and economic threats to European MSMEs. The main challenges are insufficient awareness of AI benefits amongst company management and lack of skills amongst existing (technical) staff, in addition to lacking or inaccessible data. Also, external market conditions, such as legal frameworks that are too restrictive or too broad, hamper the successful adoption of AI technologies by MSMEs.

In order to overcome these challenges and boost the uptake of AI in MSMEs, the study presents a toolbox for policy makers, which includes the following measures:

•    Educate on AI & build the necessary skills in the MSME workforce to remain competitive
•    Enhance centralised access to open data to train and develop AI solutions whilst protecting data ownership and control
•    Expand financial instruments for MSMEs to support AI implementation in their digitalisation effort
•    Ensure a transparent single market for AI solutions to reduce risks and increase transferability for MSMEs

Find the full study here:!gy8h4C

The study "Boosting the use of Artificial Intelligence in Europe's micro, small and medium-sized enterprises" was commissioned by the EESC at the request of the EESC Employers' Group. The authors of the study are SpaceTec Partners and UnternehmerTUM. (dv/kr)