Since 14 May, no disposable plastic material or products packed with plastic are used in the canteen shared by the European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee in the Jacques Delors building, has thus become the first plastic-free canteen of the European Institutions.

Plastic plates, glasses and cutlery are banned, water is only available from water fountains and all other beverages are provided in glass bottles or cans.

Going plastic free is part of a comprehensive approach towards sustainability that started back in 2011, when the CoR/EESC canteen signed up to the sustainable canteen programme of the Brussels Capital Region. Two years later, it won the Good Food Label (with two out of three forks), the Brussels Capital Region certification that recognises eateries that provide healthy and sustainable food.

These achievements are the result of the vision and efforts of the EESC/CoR EMAS service in cooperation with the catering contractor. Both agree that there are still challenges ahead, such as applying the same set of rules to the cafeteria and the meeting rooms in the Committees' buildings and discourage the use of disposable products. (dgf/ls)