At its latest plenary session, the European Economic and Social Committee  welcomed the instigators of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Eat Original. Unmask Your Food", which is calling on the European Commission to impose mandatory origin labelling for all food products in order to prevent fraud and guarantee consumers' right to information.

The ECI "Eat Original. Unmask Your Food" had collected 1.1 million signatures in all 28 Member States by 2 October 2019, the end of the collection period.

Paolo di Stefano, head of the EU Liaison Office of Coldiretti, the main Italian farmers' organisation, which coordinated the initiative, said: "This was long awaited, and it proves that EU citizens want to know what they are really eating".

EESC President Luca Jahier said: "This ECI is of particular interest to the EESC, which has set out its views on the subject in several opinions, strongly supporting clearer rules and better information for consumers, recommending greater transparency in labelling food origins."

The problem facing the EU is that, at this stage, origin labelling is only compulsory for certain foods, but voluntary for all others, which leaves large information gaps.

Mandatory indication of origin on food labels helps prevent falsification and unfair commercial practices.

Those behind the initiative believe that this much-needed harmonised legislation would increase food safety and transparency throughout the food supply chain, as the system has been so clearly shown to be vulnerable without mandatory origin labelling in place.

The EESC opinion on Promoting healthy and sustainable diets in the EU, adopted in February 2019, went even further, recommending broader food labelling, including on environmental and social aspects. (mr)