Draft Programme

Public hearing on "Violence against women as a human rights issue"

Monday, 15 July from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. online & in room VMA23

09.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. | Interactio testing for speakers attending online

10.00 a.m. - 10.10 a.m. | Welcome and introduction

  • István KomorĂłczki, President of the SOC/798 Study Group
  • JosĂ© Antonio Moreno DĂ­az, EESC Rapporteur
  • DovilÄ— JuodkaitÄ—, EESC Co-Rapporteur

10.10 a.m. - 11.25 a.m. | Panel I - Implementing the Directive on violence against women and domestic violence and going beyond

In this session participants will be invited to debate how the implementation of the 2024 Directive on violence against women and domestic violence and the 2024 Amending Directive 2011/36/EU on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings by EU Member States, as well as other EU and international instruments and actions could contribute to protecting all women from all forms of violence, while having a human rights approach. 

Moderator: JosĂ© Antonio Moreno DĂ­az, EESC Rapporteur

  • Evin Incir, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur for the EU Directive on violence against women and domestic violence
  • Maria Mollica, Team leader on violence against women, Gender Equality Unit, European Commission Directorate for Justice and Consumers
  • Zsuzsanna Felkai Janssen, Team leader- Trafficking in human beings, Organised Crime & Drugs Unit, European Commission Directorate for Migration and Home affairs
  • Ana Peláez Narváez, Chair of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
  • Irene Rosales, Senior Policy Advisor , European Women's Lobby 


11.25 a.m. - 11.35 a.m. | Coffee break

11.35 a.m. - 12.50 p.m. | Panel II - Specific forms of gender-based violence requiring stronger response

This session will focus on various forms of gender-based violence that were not included in the 2024 Directive on violence against women and domestic violence and additional elements (e.g, rape based on lack of consent, sexual harassment at work, forced sterilization, prostitution, sexual exploitation, commercial surrogacy and reproductive exploitation. etc). Participants will be encouraged to discuss avenues for stronger and more coordinated response involving the European Union, Member States, and civil society.

Moderator: DovilÄ— JuodkaitÄ— EESC Co-Rapporteur

  • Sara Rocha, Board Member of the European Council of Autistic People and Vice-chair of the European Disability Forum Women's committee
  • Dr. Paulina Hauser, Lecturer of Social ethics, University of Erfurt
  • Sif Holst, Vice-chair Disabled People’s Organisations Denmark and Chair of the EESC Ah-hoc Group on Equality
  • Kristina Krajnc, My voice, my choice Movement 


12.50 p.m. - 01.00 p.m. | Closing remarks

  • JosĂ© Antonio Moreno DĂ­az, EESC Rapporteur
  • DovilÄ— JuodkaitÄ—, EESC Co-Rapporteur
  • István KomorĂłczki, President of the Study Group 

Interpretation requested from Spanish, English, French, Croatian, Polish and Estonian into Spanish, English, French and Croatian

